Follow-up Activities from Summer Camp 2018 in the Children's Village Pestalozzi - Trogen, Switzerland

Follow-up Activities from Summer Camp 2018 in the Children's Village Pestalozzi - Trogen, Switzerland

Youth Participation Hits: 4504

On the 18 September, 2018 (Tuesday) in Prilep, the last two of the planned four workshops were held on the follow-up activities of the participants of the Summer Camp 2018 in the Children's Village Pestalozzi, in Trogen-Switzerland.

This year, the camp took place from 09 July 2018 till 21 July 2018. 160 participants from 9 different countries took part in the camp. 18 participants were from the high schools from Prilep and Skopje, from Macedonia. During the Summer Camp, the participants got knowledge and skills related to children's rights, with the principles of intercultural dialogue and communication, anti - discrimination, mutual understanding, respect and tolerance of values among different cultures. The task of all participants was after the end of the camp to implement the action plans they prepared during the camp in their schools, in order to transfer their knowledge to the peers about the topics they were handling during the camp, and at the same time to remember the beautiful moments spent during the workshops.

The participants from Prilep, together with team leaders and supervisors, held four workshops, three of them in the secondary school "Mirce Acev" and one in the secondary school "Gjorche Petrov", attended by a total of 85 students. Workshops were related to the topics: conflict, identity, discrimination and gender equality. During the workshops, the methods, techniques and skills that the participants acquired during the camp were applied and were provided excellent games and activities to their peers, such as meditation, gaming, activities for encouraging mutual communication and dialogue, and games that have initiated collaborative search solutions and creative thinking.

The summer camp is part of the project "Implementation of the Convention on the Rights of the Child in Macedonia", which is being implemented by the Coalition SEGA with the support of the Children's Foundation Pestalozzi.
