Workshop: "Learning about the EU" - EU Learn

Workshop: "Learning about the EU" - EU Learn

Organization Hits: 5255

Coalition of youth organizations SEGA held a workshop on "Learning about the EU" - EU Learn, as part of the project "WISE While Innovating and Strengthening Europe", supported by the Europe for Citizens Program of the European Union in cooperation with ALDA - European Association for Local Democracy, from France and 14 other partner organizations from Europe.

The main aim of the project „WISE” is by use of bottom – up approach and participatory methods to focus on promoting democratic engagement and active citizenship in local and union policy – making.

The workshop was attended by 25 students in the high school „Gjorce Petrov” in Prilep, who interactively were learning about the European Union through interesting games and activities, discussed the manner of acquiring membership, candidacy, reading facts about the European Union and analyzing them, together we looked at the founding and the EU institutions, we talked about European identity, the benefits for the Republic of Macedonia after joining the EU, etc. During the workshop, the students from the first year were discussing about European Union and Macedonian way to EU divided in small groups and together were learning about the European Union prosperity.

The workshop was aimed at raising the awareness of the youth about the EU, its values ​​and its advantages, raising the awareness of the youth about the history of the European Union, the challenges, goals and advantages, institutions and policies through using of informal learning methods.

Coalition of youth organizations SEGA will continue with organizing this type of workshops in other secondary schools in order to raise awareness and active youth participation in the processes of approximation of the Republic of Macedonia in the EU.
