Аnnouncement for Training of Trainers: Pedagogical Workshop in Vicenza Italy

Аnnouncement for Training of Trainers: Pedagogical Workshop in Vicenza Italy

Erasmus + Hits: 4263

In the period of 23th to 26th July in Vicenza Italy will held a Pedagogical Workshop: Training of Trainers. It is a four day training targeting 14 artists, 2 per partner country.

The Pedagogical Workshop is aimed at exchanging and adjusting the developed art from strategies and methodology, as well as dedicated to ensure a high level of best practice exchanges by taking into consideration the different local contexts of the project countries. The pedagogical workshop results are:

La Piccionaia (IT) is the coordinator of the PW and facilitate the workshop. ALDA, as dissemination partner will accompany the PW and raise awareness through disseminating the workshop vie different ICT channels.

The project IMPACT – “Inclusion Matters! Using Performing Arts towards Cohesion and Tolerance” main goal is to foster social inclusion by developing art strategies, techniques and methodologies targeted to refugees migrants and citizens at local level.
