Interkultura - Skopje: Discussion on the Topic Myths about the EU

Interkultura - Skopje: Discussion on the Topic Myths about the EU

Youth Activism Посети: 3723

Interkultura - Skopje on September 5, 2020, in ATC Premium Club - Skopje held a panel discussion

on "Myths about the EU" as part of the project "Youth and European values" implemented by the Coalition of Youth Organizations SEGA.

The discussion was attended by 17 young people, and was led by the volunteers Veljovska Adriana and Trajkoski Darko. During and after the presentation, different opinions and experiences were shared between the presenters and the participants. This discussion contributed to the free expression of young people and their views on the Myths of the EU, as well as the clarification of certain truths that we hope will be a further direction of their thinking about the Union in general.

You can view more on this link.

Coalition of youth organizations SEGA is implementing the project Youth and EU Values which is funded by the Program for financing the program activities of the associations and foundations for 2019, of the Government of the Republic of Macedonia - General Secretariat, Department for Cooperation with NGOs.
