National Workshop: "Prevention of Violent Extremism among Youth"

National Workshop: "Prevention of Violent Extremism among Youth"

Erasmus + Посети: 4316

On 02.04.2019 in hotel Continental, a national workshop was held on the topic: "Prevntion of violent extremism among youth ", which is part of the project "Youth Work in Prevention of Violent Extremism".

Decision makers from institutions and representatives from youth civic organizations attended the national workshop.The main speakers of this event were: Zoran Ilieski - Executive Director of the Coalition of Youth Organizations SEGA, Borche Petreski - Coordinator of the National Committee for the Prevention of Violent Extremism and the Fight against Terrorism, and Elena Lazova - Head of the Info Centers of the Coalition SEGA.

The workshop was opened by moderator and speaker Zoran Iliseki, who in the introduction presented the project's goal, the implementation period, the implementer, as well as its key activities. "In the period March 2019 - June 2019, the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA is implementing the project:" Youth work in the prevention of violent extremism ", financially supported by the National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility through the Erasmus Plus KA3 Structural Dialogue program. "- said Iliseki.

National coordinator Mr. Petreski explained the activities undertaken by the Committee at the regional and local level in order to overcome the challenges that our country faces. Then he explained the need for involvement of youth civil society organizations in the role of education in prevention of violent extremism.

As the last speaker of this workshop was Ms. Lazova, who presented the experience of the Coalition SEGA with the prevention of violent extremism. She shared her experiences from the participating on regional conference in Montenegro, with youth organizations from Kosovo, Albania, Serbia, Montenegro and BiH.

At the end of the workshop, a panel discussion was held with the Facilitator Marice Treneska - a co-worker of the Coalition SEGA program, where were defined recommendations for the contribution of youth organizations and educational institutions for the prevention of violent extremism.
