Report analyzing the results of the survey on „Exploring young people's intercultural experiences: Obstacles, motivations and the role of digital technology“
This report is the result of a questionnaire survey designed to explore the realities of young people's experiences and visions of intercultural experiences in the four project countries. It reviews the obstacles that young people face, their motivations, the benefits they gain from their intercultural experiences, their vision of interculturality and the role of digital technology in facilitating these intercultural experiences. This survey is part of a multi-country project between 4 associations from different countries: Tunisian Forum for Youth Empowerment (Tunisia), Eclosio (Belgium), Coalition SEGA (North Macedonia) and Engagé·e·s & Determiné·e·s (France and project leader ) which is part of the Erasmus+ program (Youth and Sport). It aims to strengthen the citizen engagement of young people and their participation in democratic life through the appropriation of digital technology as a tool to promote intercultural experience, or to be able to benefit from this experience despite particular circumstances blocking international mobility.
The views expressed in this document do not in any way represent the official views of the organizations that provided financial support.