A Meeting for Cooperation with Representatives of the Municipality of Krivogashtani was held, for the Project "Representation of Civil Organizations for Active Youth Participation"
On March 28, 2018, in the premises of the municipality of Krivogashtani, a meeting was held together with representativ
es of the municipality of Krivogastani in order to identify the possibilities for cooperation related to the implementation of the project "Advocacy for Civic Organizations for active youth participation". The meeting was attended by representatives from the partner organizations of the project and representatives from local civic organizations where the activities and the expected results within the project were presented. The support from the municipality of Krivogastani was discussed as well. Coalition SEGA started to implement the project "Advocacy of Civic Organizations for Active Youth Participation", which aims to increase the dialogue between CSOs, youth and decision-makers in the municipality of Krivogashtani. The project will be implemented in partnership with the Association for Rural Development, Local Action Group - Agro Leader and Youth Initiative for Regional Development - MIRR from the municipality of Krivogastani. The project will be implemented in the period from March to October 2018 and envisions a series of activities for capacity building of local civic organizations on several topics that would contribute to increasing the youth participation and the influence of the civic organizations that represent the youth in the processes of adoption of the decisions through mentoring, lobbying and support. There are also more events at the local level envisaged with the involvement of local youth from the municipality of Krivogashtani.
The project is financed by the Small Grants Program of Preda Plus through the project "Improving the active involvement of Macedonian civil society organizations in the decision-making process through strengthening of newly established civil society organizations". The project is funded by the European Union. Reference: EuropeAid / 151569 / DD / ACT / MK.