Civil Organizations Working On The Territory Of Municipality of Gazi Baba Expressed Their Challenges And Experiences In The Field Of Advocacy Of Their Target Groups
On August 22, 2018, in Skopje
, in the Great Hall of the Council of the Municipality of Gazi Baba, Coalition SEGA held a meeting with civil and youth organizations operating in the territory of the municipality of Gazi Baba.
The purpose of this meeting was to identify the experiences and challenges that civic organizations have in advocating the needs of their target groups. The information received at this meeting will be used in designing the next activity, training for structural dialogue and preparation of position papers, which will be implemented in the period of October 2018.
The organizations involved will have the opportunity to strengthen their skills and capacities for applying the method of structural dialogue as well as for writing position documents. Also, the interested organizations that act on the territory of Gazi Baba, after the completion of the training, will have the opportunity to receive mentoring support from an expert - from Coalition SEGA in planning and developing a methodology for structural dialogue.
These activities are part of the project "Empowering youth and civic organizations for the application of the method for structural dialogue", implemented by Coalition SEGA with the support of municipality of Gazi Baba. The project will be implemented for a period of 5 months, starting in July 2018.