Consultative Meeting with Representatives of CSO's to Discuss the Draft Proposals for Amendments to the Law on Volunteering
On May 20th a consultative meeting with representatives of civil society organizations to discuss the draft proposals
for amendments to the Law on Volunteering was held online.
Due to overcoming the challenges of the 13-year implementation of the Law on Volunteering and further development of volunteer policies in the country, at the initiative of several civil society organizations (Youth Cultural Center - Bitola, Coalition of Youth Organizations SEGA and Konekt), with the support of the Prime Minister The Government of the Republic of North Macedonia and the Ministry of Labor and Social Policy have launched an initiative to amend the Law on Volunteering in Macedonia.
A working group composed of representatives of state bodies and civil society organizations has been working intensively for the past few months on the preparation of draft proposals for amendments to the Law on Volunteering.
The activity is part of the ROUTE WB6 project - Regional Program for Cross-Border Exchange of Volunteers under the leadership of RICO, supported by funds from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Norway. YCC Bitola is the coordinator for the project activities in Macedonia.