Annual Assembly SEGA 2021
The Annual Assembly of Coalition of Youth Organizations SEGA was held on June 7 through the online zoom platform.
At the meeting of the Assembly, the membership of Coalition SEGA was reviewed, the program and financial report of the Coalition SEGA for 2020 as well as the Annual Program of SEGA for 2020 were reviewed. In accordance with the adopted policy for participation in the creation of the agenda of the Assembly, in the second part of the Assembly there were presentations by international and local experts on the topics:
- European trends for youth work
Tomi Kiilakoski, Finnish Youth Policy Correspondent at EU-COE Youth Partnership
- Presentation of the Club for Youth Issues and Policies at the Assembly
Jovan Jauleski, MP - President of the Club for Youth Affairs and Policies
- Presentation of ERASMUS + Program 2021 - 2027
Marko Gjorgievski, Director of the National Agency for European Educational Programs and Mobility and Snezana Simonovska, Youth (Erasmus + and European Solidarity Corps)
- Opportunities for development of the youth sector at local and regional level
Elizabeta Markovska Spasenoska, coordinator of TACSO in Macedonia