Training for Peer Educators - "Labor Rights of Youth, Phenomena Endangering Them and Mechanisms of Protection”
Young trade union activists and representatives of NGOs from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Croatia and Slovakia attended the training in Bratislava from May 20-25 in the framework of the "Rights at Work, Work on Rights" project with a focus on youth labor rights, negative occurrences that violate them and mechanisms of protection.
The idea is to transfer the knowledge of their peers to the workshops that will be a direct result of the gathering in Slovakia.
Support for the young participants, during the training and further work, apart from the union's participants in the project, is provided by the youth associations of citizens: the project coordinator - the Youth Development Center in Belgrade, Youth Watch from Slovakia , The Budva Foundation, the Center for Trade Union Education from Banja Luka and the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA from Prilep. Also the training was attended by the representative of the Center for Advanced Studies in South East Europe at the University of Rijeka, as a partner coordinating comprehensive research, laying the foundation for further project flows.
During the project, researches in Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro and Slovakia were conducted for the awareness of young workers about their labor rights, on which base national reports were made .
During the training in Bratislava, the preparation of promotional and informational campaigns continued, and after training young trade union educators will conduct workshops among the employees.
For more photos, see the following link.