First Network of Youth Organizations in Macedonia!

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Intercultural exchange in Pestalozzi Children's Village

Intercultural exchange in Pestalozzi Children's Village

Currently there is an Intercultural Exchange with a group of 40 children from Serbia and 40 children from Macedonia from 5 primary schools in Bitola, Kicevo, Gostivar, Skopje and Kumanovo, in the Children’s village Pestalozzi in Trogen, Switzerland.

Запознајте се со Рома - Прогрес

Запознајте се со Рома - Прогрес

Здружението за заштита  и едукација на деца и млади Ромa – Прогрес две години е дел од семејството на Коалиција СЕГА, и е наша придружна членка.  #ВолонтирајИнспирирај #15годиниСЕГА

In Shtip Was Held Third the Eco Action of Campaign

In Shtip Was Held Third the Eco Action of Campaign

On 27.09.2019 courtyard of the Primary School "Dimitar Vlahov" in Shtip was held a eco volunteer action by the Youth Club Shtip. The action took place as part of the campaign VolontirajInspiriraj! implemented by Coalition SEGA nationally together with its five local partner organizations.

In Tetovo the Fourth Volunteer Action Was Held

In Tetovo the Fourth Volunteer Action Was Held

On 30.09.2019 courtyard of the Secondary School "Mosha Pijade" in Tetovo was held a volunteer action by the Community Development Institute. The action took place as part of the campaign VolontirajInspiriraj! implemented by Coalition SEGA nationally together with its five local partner organizations.

Запознајте се со Интерактив од Битола

Запознајте се со Интерактив од Битола

Интерактив Битола е исто така една од најмладите членки на Коалиција СЕГА, од минатата година е наша придружна членка.  #ВолонтирајИнспирирај #15годиниСЕГА

First national platform of youth organizations in Macedonia, with over 15 years experience in lobbying the needed legislation changes in youth participation, information, employment and activism.

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Central Office: +389 (0) 48 429 390

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18, Car Samoil, 7500 Prilep, Macedonia.