First Network of Youth Organizations in Macedonia!

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Monday - Friday:          09.00am until 16.30pm


France & Macedonia Differences

France & Macedonia Differences

Logan wrote about what is different for him between France and Macedonia.

Festival of Lemon Menton

Festival of Lemon Menton

In this newsletter, Anthony decided to to tell you about The Lemon Festival In Menton (a city close to the Italian border).

A Frenchy in Prilep

A Frenchy in Prilep

Our volunteer Anthony from France is sharing his first experience in Prilep.

Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone

Life Begins at the End of Your Comfort Zone

The first experience in Prilep of our French volunteer Logan.

ЈАВЕН ПОВИК за избор на обучувачи

ЈАВЕН ПОВИК за избор на обучувачи

Коалиција СЕГА за потребите од спроведување на проектот „Младинско учество за силен и одржлив развој на заедницата“, финансиран од Европската Унија, објавува

First national platform of youth organizations in Macedonia, with over 15 years experience in lobbying the needed legislation changes in youth participation, information, employment and activism.

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Central Office: +389 (0) 48 429 390

Email at


18, Car Samoil, 7500 Prilep, Macedonia.