First Network of Youth Organizations in Macedonia!

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Коалиција на младински организации СЕГА – Мисија и визија

Коалиција на младински организации СЕГА – Мисија и визија

СЕГА е национална платформа на младински организации посветена на лобирање за потребни законски измени, како и посветеност на поддршката на младинскиот активизам, пристап до информации и учество на младите луѓе во активностите за решавање на нивните проблеми.

SPRAY Project: Activity Planning Workshop

SPRAY Project: Activity Planning Workshop

In the period from 26th to 28th May 2019, in the Basano del Grapa in Italy, a representative of the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA was part of the seminar for planning the activities for the SPRAY project (SPace Regeneration through Art by Youth).

Meeting with CSOs from Prilep in the premises of the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA

Meeting with CSOs from Prilep in the premises of the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA

The Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC) organized an open day with the civil society organizations in Prilep on May 28, at 12:00 in the premises of the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA.

Training for Peer Educators - "Labor Rights of Youth, Phenomena Endangering Them and Mechanisms of Protection”

Training for Peer Educators - "Labor Rights of Youth, Phenomena Endangering Them and Mechanisms of Protection”

Young trade union activists and representatives of NGOs from Serbia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia, Croatia and Slovakia attended the training in Bratislava from May 20-25 in the framework of the "Rights at Work, Work on Rights" project with a focus on youth labor rights, negative occurrences that violate them and mechanisms of protection.

Coalition SEGA is Starting the Campaign “Recognize, Prevent and Apply Anti-Violence Measures”

Coalition SEGA is Starting the Campaign “Recognize, Prevent and Apply Anti-Violence Measures”

Description of the project:

Coalition of youth organizations SEGA implements the project "Recognize, prevent and apply anti- violence  measures" supported by the EU within the project "Strategic partnerships for developing a social agenda for change:" Recognize, respect and realize rights "implemented by the Association for Action Against Violence and Human Trafficking Open Gate: La Strada Internation.

First national platform of youth organizations in Macedonia, with over 15 years experience in lobbying the needed legislation changes in youth participation, information, employment and activism.

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18, Car Samoil, 7500 Prilep, Macedonia.