First Network of Youth Organizations in Macedonia!

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Summer Camp Held in Children Village Pestalozzi - Trogen, Switzerland

Summer Camp Held in Children Village Pestalozzi - Trogen, Switzerland

In the period from 7 to 20 July, 148 children and 24 supervisors were part of the Summer Camp held in the Children's Village Pestalozzi in Trogen, Switzerland. Participants from the Summer Camp were from Macedonia, Turkey, Serbia, Croatia, Russia, Poland, Moldova, Ukraine and Switzerland.

Аnnouncement for Training of Trainers: Pedagogical Workshop in Vicenza Italy

Аnnouncement for Training of Trainers: Pedagogical Workshop in Vicenza Italy

In the period of 23th to 26th July in Vicenza Italy will held a Pedagogical Workshop: Training of Trainers. It is a four day training targeting 14 artists, 2 per partner country.

Запознајте се со Форум на млади Битола

Запознајте се со Форум на млади Битола

Форум на млади Битола е придружна организација членка која веќе 11 години е дел од семејството на Коалиција СЕГА. СЕГА не би била тоа што е денес, без активниот придонес на нашите организации членки и нивната грижа за младите на локално, регионално и национално ниво.

#ВолонтирајИнспирирај  #15годиниСЕГА

Youth exchange within the project C.O.D.E. abc in Cherbourg France

Youth exchange within the project C.O.D.E. abc in Cherbourg France

In the period from July 10 to 17, 2019, an international meeting of young people from Germany, France and Northern Macedonia took place in Cherbourg, France.

Summer Camp in the Children's Village Pestalozzi in Trogen, Switzerland

Summer Camp in the Children's Village Pestalozzi in Trogen, Switzerland

Currently, 18 participants from Macedonia attend the Summer Camp, which is held from July 7 to 20, in the children's village Pestalozzi in Trogen, Switzerland.

First national platform of youth organizations in Macedonia, with over 15 years experience in lobbying the needed legislation changes in youth participation, information, employment and activism.

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Central Office: +389 (0) 48 429 390

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18, Car Samoil, 7500 Prilep, Macedonia.