First Network of Youth Organizations in Macedonia!

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SPRAY - Youth Exchange

SPRAY - Youth Exchange

From 14th to 20th October 2019, four participants from Prilep together with a mentor from the Coalition of youth organizations SEGA participated in a youth exchange in Bassano del Grappa, Italy, under the SPRAY project (SPace Regeneration through Art by Youth).

Four participants and one coordinator from SEGA are attending on intercultural exchange of the project SPRAY in Bassano del Grappa, Italy

Four participants and one coordinator from SEGA are attending on intercultural exchange of the project SPRAY in Bassano del Grappa, Italy

Four participants from Prilep and one coordinator from Coalition SEGA are on intercultural exchange in the city of Bassano del Grappa in Italy, as part of the Spray Bassano project (SPace Regeneration through Art by Youth).

Summer Camp in the Children's Village Pestalozzi in Trogen, Switzerland

Summer Camp in the Children's Village Pestalozzi in Trogen, Switzerland

Currently, 18 participants from Macedonia attend the Summer Camp, which is held from July 7 to 20, in the children's village Pestalozzi in Trogen, Switzerland.

Youth exchange within the project C.O.D.E. abc in Cherbourg France

Youth exchange within the project C.O.D.E. abc in Cherbourg France

In the period from July 10 to 17, 2019, an international meeting of young people from Germany, France and Northern Macedonia took place in Cherbourg, France.

Коалиција СЕГА со значаен придонес при изработката на Националната стратегија за млади 2016 – 2025

Коалиција СЕГА со значаен придонес при изработката на Националната стратегија за млади 2016 – 2025

Коалиција на младински организации СЕГА е национална платформа на младински организации активна во полето на лобирање за промени во младинските политики, посветена конподржување на младинскиот активизам, подобрување на пристапот до информации и учеството на младите луѓе во активности за решавање на нивните проблеми. СЕГА како одржлива и развиена младинска коалиција овозможува младите да веруваат во себе, да ги остваруваат своите интереси, да креираат и да градат.

First national platform of youth organizations in Macedonia, with over 15 years experience in lobbying the needed legislation changes in youth participation, information, employment and activism.

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18, Car Samoil, 7500 Prilep, Macedonia.